For driving directions to our location, please use Google’s directions above in the map or click Read More for directions from New Hampshire (South), Portland Airport, and North Route 1.
New Hampshire, South
If you are driving on I-95 from New Hampshire and points south, take Exit 44, Route I-295. Take I-295 north through Portland and Freeport to Exit 28 – Brunswick/Bath.
Get off I-295 at Exit 28 (Brunswick/Bath); you will be on Route 1 northbound. Follow Route 1 north around Brunswick, through Bath (keep to the left on the highway), and across the Kennebec River. Turn right immediately (at the Dairy Queen) onto Route 127, heading south toward Georgetown.
Follow 127 for about 12 miles. About one mile after the turn for Reid State Park, turn left onto Old Schoolhouse Road (there is a flag pole, white church, and cemetery on the left). In about a quarter mile, after passing the Sheepscot Bay Boat Co., turn left onto North End Road. In about 200 yards, you will see the Coveside Bed & Breakfast sign on the right. Turn right into Gotts Cove Lane. Bear right at the Y.
Portland Airport
If you are driving from the Portland airport, follow airport signs to I-95/Maine Turnpike; this requires a left turn from the main road immediately upon leaving the airport (there is a Hilton hotel on the left). Cross Congress Street at the light, and enter the turnpike northbound; get off at Exit 52, toward Yarmouth, Falmouth and I-295. When you reach I-295, turn north and travel through Freeport to Exit 28 – Brunswick/Bath.
Get off I-295 at Exit 28 (Brunswick/Bath); you will be on Route 1 northbound. Follow Route 1 north around Brunswick, through Bath (keep to the left on the highway), and across the Kennebec River. Turn right immediately (at the Dairy Queen) onto Route 127, heading south toward Georgetown.
Follow 127 for about 12 miles. About one mile after the turn for Reid State Park, turn left onto Old Schoolhouse Road (there is a flag pole, white church, and cemetery on the left). In about a quarter mile, after passing the Sheepscot Bay Boat Co., turn left onto North End Road. In about 200 yards, you will see the Coveside Bed & Breakfast sign on the right. Turn right into Gotts Cove Lane. Bear right at the Y.
North Route 1
If you are coming from the north on Route 1, about 9 miles south of Wiscassett, just after the turn for Route 127 north at the large overhead sign for Georgetown and Reid State Park, turn right onto 127 south.
Follow 127 for about 12 miles. About one mile after the turn for Reid State Park, turn left onto Old Schoolhouse Road (there is a flag pole, white church, and cemetery on the left). In about a quarter mile, after passing the Sheepscot Bay Boat Co., turn left onto North End Road. In about 200 yards, you will see the Coveside Bed & Breakfast sign on the right. Turn right into Gotts Cove Lane. Bear right at the Y.